All grades 3-6 students of Robert Smith Elementary School are invited to participate in the optional lunch hour intramural program. Students are divided into house league teams (a mixture of grades 3,4,5+6 students/team) to foster positive relationships/friendships between the grades. Teams compete in a fun and friendly tournament with the major emphasis being placed on good sportsmanship, teamwork and the concepts of fair play.
The intramural team sports played over the lunch hour vary throughout the year and correspond with major sport units being studied in the daily Phys. Ed program. Students must have a signed intramural parental consent form returned before they will be allowed to participate in the program. Grade 1+2 students of Robert Smith Elementary School are also invited to participate in the optional lunch hour intramural program. Students are divided into house league teams (a mixture of grades 1+2 students/team) to foster positive relationships/friendships between the grades.
Teams compete in a fun and friendly tournament with the major emphasis being placed on good sportsmanship, teamwork and the concepts of fair play. Primary intramurals focus on a variety of team sports, as well as, basic low level co-operative games played over the lunch hour throughout the year and correspond with the daily Phys. Ed program.